How we catalyze the funding you need to scale

How to scale and focus on impact

This pillar is for impact enterprises and investors

As an impact enterprise seeking to scale, you may find that you have limited opportunities to access investment – especially if you want to deepen your impact. Biniyog Briddhi offers you a chance to apply for catalytic funding to overcome this challenge. For investors, this creates exciting opportunities to enjoy more favorable conditions when supporting impact enterprises.

What we have in stock for you

Impact Ready Matching Funds (IRMF)

With IRMF, entrepreneurs receive financial rewards for improving their impact measurement & management systems. This is essential for attracting impact investments > READ ABOUT IRMF

Social Impact Incentives (SIINC)

SIINC rewards high-impact enterprises with time-limited premium payments for raising investment and achieving verified social impact. Curious about how this works? > DIVE INTO SIINC

Who has received catalytic funding from us: