How do Social Impact Incentives (SIINC) work?

Entrepreneurs receive financial rewards for achieving social impact

As part of the B-Briddhi Programme, SIINC funding financially rewards high-impact enterprises that raise investment with time-limited premium payments of between USD 50,000 and 250,000 over a 3-year period. Funding is disbursed in phases based on verified social outcomes generated by their operations. In this way, positive impact is incentivised, and the social performance of the enterprises becomes directly linked to their profitability. This, in turn, increases enterprise attractiveness for investors, making it easier to ensure growth capital to scale. You can learn more about SIINC here.

How you can apply

The call for applications is open now!

Impact enterprises that are seeking to raise growth capital are encouraged to submit an application for SIINC. You can also find some additional details in the PDFs below. Applicants are generally advised that they will be required to submit evidence that they raised repayable investment within the last six months or are actively seeking investment. During the application period, there will also be an opportunity to ask questions by emailing

When to apply

Make sure that you apply in time for our funding windows!

We accept SIINC applications on a rolling basis year-round and impact enterprises are welcome to apply at any time. However, please abide by the deadlines below if you want to be considered for our specific funding windows. You should expect to receive a response about any next steps within 1 month after submitting your application.

How to know if you are eligible

Here are the typical preconditions for a successful application:

To apply as an impact enterprise, you have to fulfil the following criteria:

  • You are legally registered in Bangladesh
  • You have been in operation for more than 2 years
  • You already have a business model and paying customers
  • You raised repayable investment (not grants) above USD 200,000 within the last six months or are seeking to raise it in the coming year
  • You have already achieved financial sustainability (breakeven) or have a very clear plan for doing so in the short term;
  • You have systems in place that:
    • Have generated baseline data on impact-relevant indicators;
    • Allow for the timely collection of meaningful data on an ongoing basis related to these indicators;
    • Report consistently on these indicators
  • You have a business model that explicitly seeks to address social and/or environmental challenges (or must articulate a willingness to shift their business model towards these aims)
  • You have a business model that serves customer groups considered to be under-served within Bangladesh