How to create measurable impact
Capturing the true value of impact enterprises in Bangladesh
Impact is the key factor that distinguishes impact enterprises from any other form of business. So what does “impact” really mean? How can it be captured, given that it is not included in market prices today? THE IMPACT MEASUREMENT AND MANAGEMENT (IMM) TOOLKIT helps impact entrepreneurs and their advisors, trainers and supporters to understand that IMM is something that everyone can do with the right mindset and a little guidance. It is a question of truly listening to and understanding stakeholders’ needs. Our toolkit outlines step-by-step how to plan, implement, and measure activities and their effects, so that impact is maximized for the benefit of all stakeholders in the ecosystem. It also includes a gender lens.
Recommended Resources on IMM
Norms by The Impact Management Project
Thousands of practitioners have come together to agree on a shared understanding of impact. Read the consensus or “norms” that provide a common logic to help enterprises and investors understand their impacts on people and the planet, so that they can reduce the negative and increase the positive.
Lean Data by Acumen
Collecting data doesn’t have to be a daunting task. This course by +Acumen shows how Lean Data approaches can measure social impact in an affordable way and, most importantly, give impact enterprises invaluable insights in the mindsets and behavioral patterns of their customers.
Client-Centric Approach by Root Capital
Root Capital understands that the very methods of evaluation that are key to collecting impact data also threaten to re-entrench the power dynamic that we seek to mitigate in the first place. Therefore, practitioners increasingly perceive impact evaluations to be one among many touchpoints in the customer, employee, or supplier relationship, and as an opportunity for the research to create value for researcher and research participant alike.
Recommended Resources on Gender Lens
Getting Started – Exercise Sheet
This exercise sheet will provide you with a practical and valuable process to identify and address gender issues within your enterprise. It will guide you to identify and set your Impact Measurement and Management gender lens goals. Download and exercise here:
Case Study Instellar
Instellar provides incubation, advisory, and investment in mission-driven companies in Indonesia. They identified a majority of women participants throughout their portfolio and found large gaps between male and female entrepreneurs. Read the lessons learned from their female-focused incubation program. Dive into it here:
Acumen Lean Data Gender Tool
Acumen’s guide captures gender impacts across five projects in four countries. It provides you with approaches, surveys and the Lean Data methodology while giving insights both on individual and consolidated levels across all analyzed projects. Check out the wisdom here:
Mentor-Mentee Code of Conduct
Have you ever considered power dynamics that may occur when pairing different genders to learn from each other? If not, make them explicit. This resource will provide a suggested mentor/mentee code of conduct, outlining a set of rules around how to identify negative power dynamics. Smart yourself up now: