Phase II of B-Briddhi: 3 key innovations to advance impact through collaboration
As Bangladesh strides towards sustainable economic development, initiatives like Biniyog Briddhi (B-Briddhi) play a pivotal role in catalyzing positive change through impact investing and Impact-Linked Finance. Building on the successes and lessons learned from Phase I, Phase II of B-Briddhi embarks on a journey marked by enhanced collaboration, expanded outreach, and innovative 4-pillar programming (see image below) aimed at scaling Impact Enterprises (IEs) across the country. Our ultimate goal? Increase the access to quality products and services of underserved populations in Bangladesh.

#1 – Enhanced collaboration and strategic partnerships
One of the defining aspects of Phase II is its emphasis on collaboration and partnerships. Notably, the Gender Lens Investing (GLI) partnership with Truvalu Enterprises aims to further gender inclusion within the impact investing and access to capital landscape. The partnership will engage local capital providers and impact enterprises to mainstream international practices in the space of GLI and gender related impact measurement and management. This strategic alliance underscores B-Briddhi’s commitment to promoting diversity and equity, ensuring that gender considerations are embedded within the programme’s focus.

#2 – Extensive support for Impact Enterprises throughout their different stages
The programme will adopt a funnel approach in Phase II, offering a more extended capacity-building and funding journey for IEs. This approach ensures that enterprises at various stages of development receive tailored support to enhance their growth trajectory. The introduction of the Theory of Change (ToC) Card Game solidifies this commitment, providing a hands-on, interactive platform for earlier-stage enterprises to refine their impact strategies. By integrating impact measurement and management practices earlier on in their journey, the funnel approach in Phase II sets the stage for sustainable impact at scale.

Open call to applications
B-Briddhi Phase II will run from 2024 to 2027. Impact Enterprises operating in Bangladesh are encouraged to regularly check our website for the latest calls for applications. They will be part of B-Briddhi by enhancing their skills through our Capacity-Building initiatives and get prepared for Impact Investment and Impact-Linked Finance through our Catalytic Funding opportunities.

#3 – Regional showcases and global attraction
Phase II places a renewed focus on regional showcase events aimed at spotlighting the achievements and potential of B-Briddhi-supported enterprises. By amplifying their visibility within Bangladesh and beyond, the programme aims to attract international impact investors who recognize the value and impact potential of these enterprises. This strategic outreach and plan to help catalyze additional investment into the ecosystem aligns with B-Briddhi’s goal of creating a conducive environment that can support a thriving impact ecosystem.

Key lessons learned in Phase I
Reflecting on Phase I, B-Briddhi has gleaned invaluable insights into effective ecosystem coordination and the importance of inclusive impact measurement and management (IMM) practices. These lessons inform Phase II’s strategic direction, ensuring stronger coordination, wider outreach, and reduced barriers for IEs to participate in the programme.

Way forward
Looking ahead, Phase II of B-Briddhi aims to build on its foundation of collaboration, innovation, and inclusive growth. By leveraging local partnerships, expanding its reach to support IEs and their customers beyond Dhaka, and furthering the GLI agenda, the programme seeks to unlock untapped opportunities in Bangladesh’s impact ecosystem. With its expanded scope and enhanced programme elements, Phase II is set to empower a new generation of IEs, paving the way for a more inclusive and sustainable future.

About Biniyog Briddhi Programme
B-Briddhi Phase II is a multi-year programme dedicated to improving the lives of underserved groups in Bangladesh and increasing their access to essential products and services by supporting and scaling impact enterprises. The programme is gender-inclusive and seeks to contribute to climate adaptation. B-Briddhi Phase II is supported by Switzerland #SwissinBD and implemented by Roots of Impact & LightCastle Partners.